This Mom Just Hilariously Described Flying With a Toddler on TikTok — and It Couldn't Be More Accurate

It's funny because it's true.

As the saying goes, "once a journalist, always a journalist," and Kayla Sullivan is living proof.

Sullivan, a former television reporter, may no longer be on the evening news, but she is doing her part by taking her anchoring skills to TikTok, including one now-viral video about the realities of flying with small children that is all too real for her fellow parents.

She often shares hilarious takes on parenting, including what it's like to try to have dinner out with her kid and the dreaded playground boo-boos. But her video on traveling with a toddler has clearly struck a nerve, as it's received more than 500,000 views and counting.

In the video, Sullivan says she's "reporting live from the airport" where she intends to "hand out these sorry suckers" for every "sorry sucker who has to sit by me and my toddler on the plane."

During the video, her child sits on her lap, giggling and wiggling throughout, perhaps knowing that every single thing his mom says is true.

"History shows that despite preventative measures like snacks, toys, and his iPad, my son still loves to try to kick the seat in front of him, bang on the tray, and lift the window shade up and down loudly," Sullivan hilariously proclaims. "I can confirm I don't allow this behavior, but I do struggle to tame it."

Sullivan goes on to share that despite her best efforts, she'd rather let her son do these things, otherwise he'd scream, because "allegedly these things are just too tempting for a three-year-old child."

But the best bit is this: "Sources say it's gross that I let my son sleep on the floor of the plane, but I say, at least he's being quiet." And really, isn't that better for all of us?

Luckily for Sullivan, all her commenters can see the humor in the video, commenting on what a great mom she is and how understanding we just all have to be sometimes. Plus, getting a free lollipop on a flight never hurts.

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